Q&A: What is Sustainable






















Why should I trust Blue Horizon Organic?
Blue Horizon Organic was founded by John Battendieri and Tim Redmond — pioneers in the natural and organic foods industry since the 1970s. John and Tim helped turn natural brands into household names that were good for people and the environment. They recognized a dire need to do the same in the seafood industry and turned their attention to promoting the highest standards in healthy, safe shrimp that’s good for you, a model for aquaculture,
and the future of the oceans’ natural sea stocks.

Also, Blue Horizon imports more sustainably farmed, environmentally friendly, chemical- and pesticide-free shrimp than any other company in the USA. As shrimp is the most consumed seafood in the country, health conscious consumers have the opportunity to enjoy (and retailers have a chance to offer) shrimp that is certified to be of the highest quality with the least impact to the environment.

Isn’t wild seafood better than farmed?
Not necessarily. Blue Horizon contends its farms help ensure future fish stocks in the ocean. Wild seafood harvesting can lead to over fishing an already limited supply, and nets used in some harvests catch more than the intended species. Wild seafood is often treated with chemicals like sodium tripolyphosphate.
Blue Horizon’s farmed shrimp sets an unprecedented model of clean, pesticide-free, pristine farms using sustainable stewardship.

What does 'sustainably-farmed' seafood mean?
For Blue Horizon, it means keeping in line with rigorous standards set and monitored by Naturland (which certifies only when seafood companies follow the strictest guidelines) – online at www.naturland.de.

To us, it means:
- Hormone free products
- Antibiotic free products
- Low-density ponds for shrimp (happy shrimp have space)
- Organic feed for shrimp/fish
- Clean water in, clean water out of aquaculture ponds

Naturland includes sustainability in its certification with:
- A fair wage for farmers
- A self-sustained farm where other products are farmed
- Stewardship for the land/minimal impact—re-planting mangroves at
the site of fish or shrimp ponds

If it’s organic, why don’t you have the USDA seal on your products?
Until USDA organic seafood regulations are in place, we must rely on strict certifications set by watchdog organizations here and an organic program in Europe. Blue Horizon Organic packaging is in strict compliance with FDA and USDA regulations. We do not label seafood as "organic", and all packaging is
either “made with” labeling (i.e. skillet meals) or makes no specific reference
to organic seafood.

How is BH certified if there is no USDA seafood organic standard?
Blue Horizon currently has its products certified by three rigorous, independent agencies: Monterey County Certified Organic, Naturland (Germany) and Quality Assurance International. Few seafood companies today can claim to subscribe to a triple review process. Our existing standards will easily meet if not exceed USDA standards once those regulations are implemented. Blue Horizon has actively participated in the legislation stages of USDA organic seafood standards to advocate for the strictest possible methods. We are leading the charge.

What should I look for when shopping for seafood?
With things you don’t recognize, read the labels. Ask questions. Some seafood products contain STPP (sodium tripolyphosphate, an additive some processors use to mask the mishandling of shrimp and resulting black spots), modified food starch, even corn syrup in their breaded seafood items or sauces, etc. Ask your retailer what makes a particular product “green” or “sustainable” when you see it being marketed as such.

For Further Information:

Blue Horizon Organic Seafood Co.
(831) 685-1648
Jaap Langenberg: jaap@bluehorizonorganic.com

Tamara Wilson Public Relations
(206) 838-8977
Heidi Witherspoon: heidiw@tamarawilson.com

DISCLAIMER: The State of California does not allow the labeling or representation of seafood as organic until formal organic certification standards have been developed and implemented by the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program or the California Department of Food and Agriculture. While Blue Horizon uses methods consistent with organic farming principles, we do not label or represent our seafood as certified organic.

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